Our Services
The practice provides a number of services to patients in addition to those provided by the nurse:
Chronic Disease Management Clinics
e.g. Asthma, Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Hypertension.
The practice nurse sets up these clinics.
New Patient Health Check
As soon as you register you are being invited to have a Health Check surgery. If you take regular medication please bring these with you to the appointment.
Minor Surgery
Minor Surgery service is now provided within the practice.
Maternity Care
Antenatal and Post-Natal care is provided by the Community Midwives, under the Shared Care Scheme in conjunction with the GP, the consultant obstetrician and hospital based midwife.
Family Planning Advice
These are provided within the practice.
Sexual Health Screening /Chlamydia Testing
Assessment and treatment are provided by the practice nurse and doctors.
Cervical Screening
This is offered to all female patients aged 20-65 years at 3 yearly intervals. Patients are informed of the result by letter and advised when they should make the next appointment.
Foreign Travel
A full range of advice and immunisations is available. Please make an appointment with
the practice nurse well in advance (1month if possible).
Adult Vaccinations
School Leavers MMR and Tetanus. Flu vaccinations are available each autumn for patients older than 65 years and those at risk due to certain medical conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes, Heart trouble or Kidney Disease. Tetanus and Polio all adults should ensure that they are adequately immunised against Tetanus and Polio. Hepatitis B vaccination is provided to certain at risk groups please ask at reception. Pneumococcal Vaccination for all patients over 65 years.
Child Health Clinic
This clinic for babies and children up to five years old, assesses children as they grow
and immunises them against disease, ad offers advice and encouragement to parents.
Well Person Screening/ Well woman/Well Man/Health Check
This service is available to all, by appointment with the practice nurse. It provides a general health screen, looking for particularly heart disease risk factors. We advise our patients to have regular check-up for lifestyle, weight, and risk factor analysis and blood pressure measurement. We also partake in national cervical cancer screening, breast screening and bowel cancer screening programmes.
Near Patient Testing
We provide shared care with the hospital for those on particular medication that require frequent blood monitoring.
Anti-Coagulation Monitoring
Monitoring is carried out either in the community clinics or at the hospital. The surgery is responsible for issuing your warfarin and sharing the monitoring of your INR.
Lithium Monitoring
Provided in conjunction with annual mental health reviews provided by the nurse and
Please enquire at reception for the times of these clinics and to book an appointment. Our services and clinics are constantly improving and increasing with our drive to provide you better healthcare, we will advertise these on the noticeboard at the surgery and notify you by text if applicable.